DeSantis Is Doing It. Biden Can’t Stop Him

Joe Biden has been bussing in immigrants under the cover of night.

Unfortunately for people like Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, one of the places that the buses were dumping the immigrants was the sunshine state.

NOT anymore.

Ron DeSantis has announced that he’s putting his foot down. Contractors hired by the federal government to bus in immigrants will no longer be able to show up in Florida and dump them like they have been.

And if they try to?

1) Heavy fines.

2) Rerouting the immigrants to places liberals don’t want them. Like Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware.

The plan is really spectacular if you think about it.

If Biden or any other liberal has a problem with the immigrants being dumped in their state, it will instantly expose their hypocrisy.

Okay, Joe, if YOU want to bus in immigrants under the cover of night, you can do that. But they’re going to your state, not mine.

“I’m gonna sign a bill very soon. It will be effective July 1. The contractors are gonna get penalized if they dump illegal aliens in Florida from the border,” DeSantis said, adding that immigrant buses heading to Florida will be rerouted to “places like Delaware and other sanctuary states.”

“You see there’s a massive, massive caravan that’s coming towards the southern border right now. And what is Biden doing? He’s fumbling around on late night TV shows, and he needs to get in the game here and he needs to defend our country’s sovereignty because that’s gonna absolutely [get] overwhelmed, not just Texas, but it’s gonna overwhelm a lot of other communities throughout the United States of America.”

Source: Breitbart


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