In American public school, there are two Supreme Court cases that we learn altered American history more than any others.
Roe v. Wade, and Plessy v. Ferguson.
Well, liberals must have skipped the section where they learned about the origins of “separate but equal,” which many considered “settled law” after the decision.
Obviously, it wasn’t settled law, because somebody came around and said “let’s unsettle it, ‘separate but equal’ is NOT okay.”
(Besides, we all know that “equal” really didn’t mean anything close to that back in the day.)
So, liberals aren’t claiming that Plessy v. Ferguson was settled law in 1897, but they have some huge problem with Roe v. Wade because THAT WAS SETTLED LAW.
Even some of the smarter liberals out there know just how stupid their comrades are being.
One of those is Bill Maher.
“This whole bullshit argument about, well, it’s settled law, so was segregation. Plessy v. Ferguson was settled law in 1896 and thank God somebody said, let’s unsettle it. So, it’s not — that’s a bullshit argument. It’s what you think, if you like babies, then you’re pro-life, and if you like women, you’re pro-choice. I like women.”
Maher also debunked the argument that AOC has made, claiming this is the first stepping stone to outlaw things like gay and interracial marriage.
“Clarence Thomas is in an interracial marriage. Do you think Clarence Thomas… I just feel like abortion is unique. It is. Because people have this view that it’s murder. I could put the argument on a hat when people talk about a woman’s right, murder isn’t a right. If you think it’s murder — I don’t — again, crazy me.”
Maher doesn’t agree with us, but at least he understands we’re not trying to control women. We’re trying to save babies.
Source: Breitbart