Trump-backed Candidate Declares for Tennessee House Seat

The anticipation is finally over.

Morgan Ortagus, the controversial Trump-backed candidate, has finally announced that she will be running for a House seat that already has a major pro-Maga candidate in the race.

Ortagus will be primarying against Robby Starbuck, who has a stack of major endorsements already behind him.

Battle Royale

A significant amount of pro-Trump members of the House and Senate have rebuked Trump for endorsing Ortagus before she ever announced that she was running.

Starbuck has been adamantly pro-Maga since announcing his candidacy, but Ortagus is a former Trump staffer, so he is siding with her.

Starbuck already has the endorsement of Candace Owens, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), and Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Matt Gaetz (R-FL), among others.

There were even whispers that Don Jr. was unhappy over this endorsement.

This is going to be an ugly battle, with Trump loyalists fighting among each other for the seat.

Ortagus worked for a brief period as a spokesperson for the State Department.

She is also an active Naval Reserve Office, so she will have some appeal to our veterans.

On the other hand, Starbuck is a Cuban migrant, which many believed would have diversified the party a bit more, drawing in more voters.

In announcing, Ortagus pushed her military background, stating, “As a U.S. Navy Reserve Officer, I am answering the call to service, and I will never back down from fighting for my country and the good people of Tennessee to stand for American greatness.

“I’m grateful to have President Trump’s support, and I look forward to earning your vote and standing with you to protect our conservative values.”

Trump has backed her candidacy from the outset, stating back in January, “I am told the very strong and impressive Morgan Ortagus is exploring a run for Congress in Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District.

“I couldn’t be happier because she’s an absolute warrior for America First and MAGA.”

I really wish I could offer more insight into how this will play out, but this is the first time we have seen this scenario with Trump allies aligned on opposite sides.

Who do you think will come out on top in this race?

Let us know the comments section below.

Source: Daily Caller



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