Urgent Warning To America About China – It’s Happening Now…

A survivor of Mao Zedong’s communist revolution in China recently appeared on Fox News with an urgent message for Americans:

“Socialism is only the first stage.”

Xi Van Fleet ran away from China 36 years ago to come live a free life in America.

She loved it.

It was EVERYTHING she could have ever dreamed of.

Until people started voting to abandon freedom.

That’s why she recently appeared on Fox, to sound the alarm about “embracing a dangerous ideology.”

That dangerous ideology is socialism.

According to somebody who lived through it, it’s just the first step to zero freedom.

“I just want to say it’s so ironic. 36 years ago, I run away from socialism when I left China to come to this great country for freedom. Today, so many Americans [are] abandoning freedom and arriving into socialism. They have no idea what socialism is about. I lived under Mao’s socialism. When the government controls everything and makes all the decisions big and small and decide how much grain, meat [and] cooking oil I could have. What I should learn in school, where I should live, and what job I should have and how I should think. In the socialist society I lived under, there was no choices. There is no freedom. And that’s what people do not know. Socialism becomes such a diluted word and it’s intentional. I can tell you, China is a socialist country. Cuba is a socialist country and so is North Korea. They are a socialist country run by communist parties. And what’s the difference? What’s the difference between socialism and communism? Not much. Socialism is the initial stage of communism, according to Karl Marx.”

To read more about this story, click on the source here.


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