There is only one entity on the entire globe that won’t admit the laptop belonged to Hunter Biden.
CNN admitted it, the NYT admitted it, your crazy liberal neice admitted it…
Except the United States Government.
While liberal news outlets certainly waited their time to tell the truth, at least they finally admitted that yes, the vile laptop belonged to Hunter Biden.
No matter how it makes them look, they accepted that the truth is the truth and they simply CAN’T run from it anymore.
It was impossible.
For some reason, the White House just refuses to believe literally everyone else on the planet.
In fact, they just refuse to address the issue.
Not one person in the White House has stood up for what’s right and demanded some answers from the President and his family about what Hunter Biden was REALLY up to.
People see that the White House is not working for them. It’s time for the people in the White House to realize the same thing that the American people have.
Enough of the secrets, enough of the lies.
The government is FOR THE PEOPLE, not the politicians.
Until they learn to admit there, we’re going to be waiting a long time for their answers on Hunter’s laptop.
For them, it’s easier to ignore it than to face the music.
So that’s exactly what they are doing.
Source: Breitbart