In two days, the latest jobs report is going to hit.
After catching a break last week, Friday will not be so good.
The White House knows the numbers will be bad, so it is already spinning the narrative on how all of this is actually good for the country.
Disaster Looming
Last week, Joe Biden had about as good a week as he is going to get.
Job numbers were good, Justice Breyer retired, and Trump made a few missteps that enabled Democrats to go on the attack.
This week, however, things are different.
Biden has managed to create controversy regarding his Supreme Court pick, something that should have been a slam dunk for him.
Axios broke a report that exposed the ineptness of the administration regarding Afghanistan.
And, on Friday, the jobs numbers are going to come and the unemployment numbers will be far worse than expected by all indicators.
The administration will blame the bad numbers on the more than nine million people who tested positive for Omicron, you know, the virus they were going to stop when they took office.
Psaki stated, “Because Omicron was so highly transmissible, nearly 9 million people called out sick in early January when the jobs data was being collected.
“The week the survey was taken, the week of Jan. 12, was at the height of the Omicron spike.
“So, we just kind of wanted to prepare people to understand how the data is taken, what they’re looking at, and what it is an assessment of.
“As a result, the jobs report may show job losses in large part because workers were out sick from Omicron at the point when it was peaking during the period — the week when the data was taken.”
Here is the thing, though… Psaki’s spin is completely wrong.
When you call out sick, you don’t file for unemployment, you get sick pay.
People who get fired or laid off are the ones that for unemployment, so, once again, Psaki thinks she is the smartest person in the room when, in fact, she is the biggest liar in the room.
The fact the media is even printing this garbage and accepting these excuses is simply amazing.
In reality, job numbers are so poor because companies are firing people en masse over vaccine mandates that were illegal from the outset.
People are losing jobs because the restaurant industry is getting crushed by Democrat mayors who are putting ridiculous mandates in place.
We may get the truth at some point, but that will clearly never come from this administration.
Source: The Blaze